The Very First Walk

7:53 PM

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise;” 
Ephesians 5: 15

            The first few steps of a child are considered a developmental milestone; it is slow, careless and full of fears; same feeling when I started as a christian. I was ignorant with the reality of this walk of life. I lived in a pile of temptations and evil thoughts. I stumbled and become wounded. 

            But like a baby that holds his mother’s hand on its first stand, I needed guidance, like how I needed the word of God, to nourish, strengthen and to equip me. 

            And as we grow and learn to walk, we make choices of our own, we take paths on our own pace and we want to run a responsibility that is worthy of a high calling. We disregard boundaries, ignore good advices, take foolish risks, break rules and repeat the same mistakes. 

            Each step we take, are decisions that yields consequences. We device our own ways but the Lord still directs us to a path of repentance. We fall and realize that we know very little and we have so many things to learn and understand. 

            I believe that God has instructed us to walk circumspectly, that we may give time to seek those wise advices from others that we sometimes refuse to hear and that we walk with them encouraging one another. Moreover, to enjoy a life filled with the Spirit that is driven with a purpose worthy of His praise. 

            I, we, must walk wisely not just for our own but also for us to bring a good heritage by leaving footsteps that others may see and follow. 

Final Thoughts: We are in a brink of decision of walking with an attitude of a WISE or of an attitude of a FOOL. “See then that ye walk ciscumspectly”.



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