A Medical Student’s Thoughts about Suicide

2:59 AM

I am writing this to share my thoughts to an issue that no one ever [maybe] is willing to take risk to speak, not everyone is willing to read and not everyone is willing to listen. Everyone has its own opinion, viewpoint and understanding, moreover, it takes bravery to break this silence.

I am now in my second year of studying medicine, bombarded with a lot of pathology cases how to examine and diagnose them along with Internal Medicine and Pharmacology subjects where treatments of varying diseases are taught. With these, I can say sometimes psychiatry issues are among the most neglected areas of practice. Because people are not open with it and still when you seek for psychiatric consult for example in a depressed individual they almost always associate it having mental deficits.

We experience times of our lives where in we are not in our best days, some of which leads to anxiety and later depression. We go through different kinds of problems with different reasons. And this depression leads to suicide attempts and worst is death

Suicide can be seen as a superficial in our society but the galloping increase of cases in my city where I now live has been very alarming.  Though this may not necessarily be needing medical treatment asap or a form of an emergency, this is medically relevant and must be easily caught up because it is preventable.

Self-killing is not a new thing, even the Holy Bible reveals stories of such, in 2 Samuel 17:23, prophet  Ahithophel hanged himself after betraying David. The very infamous Adolf Hitler involved himself in cyanide poisoning and shooting himself with a pistol. Marilyn Monroe, a famous actress died by barbiturate overdosing. These are just few of suicide cases that accounts to one thing – they needed help!

One of the highest rates of depression and suicide can be found in the medical field. Some were not documented, some even do not display it because of the stigma that may affect performance of others. I am just truly blessed that suicide has never came across in my moments of downfall. With strong coping mechanism I get from my family, friends and church they are enough for me.

I can say I lack much of the overall understanding of how an attempt to suicide escalates but I know for myself and I experienced it not to myself but through a  friend of mine that forever I will be thankful, because it had awaken me to the reality that it really is happening.

It was a late night by then, I received an unusual call from a friend during the middle of my neuroanatomy review. How would you then focus to something when your friend whom you thought was ok tells you that she wanted to end her life?!. It was a lot her crying, agony and blaming to God, I could not speak to her for seconds, I am choked with too much emotions but then I realized I needed to do something. I could not just say “it is ok” because in reality it is not. I kept on listening to explanations and her thoughts but I stayed much concerned on how and what to advise her. At that time I wonder why I am the one being called. Then I realized maybe this friend is looking someone to anchor with in fighting her depression.

I remembered I’ve shared much of stories and battles to my difficult adjustments of my medical schooling. There are also moments she’d see me hurdling difficult exams but remained to be very calm and faithful. I have had much disappointments and stresses in my first year of med school and I have shared and been very honest with few of my friends. My unending dramas even the failing scores in my exams were not new to them. But one thing I never did is never resorting to self-killing when disappointments and discouragements come.

I continued listening and kept on asking her why she wanted to take her life? Because I just think that now maybe the time I should also listen from her. But then the call was ended and I never had the chance to make her a call because she disconnected any possible communication we could ever have at that time.

I just felt so bad I did not do something about it, I could have made a better advice but I am so much overwhelmed with what happened. Moments are so quick and then I remember that time maybe this is now the right moment to apply my learnings in my family medicine subject.

It was not an overnight struggle, from time to time sometimes she shares me her disappointments and questioning of God’s existence, hardships of life, physical pains due to depression and more, but I remained to be there just listening,  prayerful and learning as well.

Few days to weeks  and months have passed I saw her starting to be active in social media again and now I realized she just needed someone who is willing to listen at that time the same feeling I am having when I am also in my downs. BTW she is ok now, we exchange words and prayers sometimes.

This is just one of the situations when I had to deal with a depressed person and have prepared me much for future instances when I will be handling a depressed patient.

With this here are some of my thoughts about suicide:

Depression is real

Sometimes people are in denial to what they feel, but the physical manifestations of a depressed person, how they rationalize arguments and how they behave to situations can never be faked. And in my psychiatry class, depression still remained to be one of the major causes of suicide.

Whatever people would want to label or interpret what a depression is, it could be just a joke or a light problem for others it is still important to be very sensitive and considerate. Have a good communication skill not just through speaking but being concerned for others. Because who knows if one of these days you will also be hit with depression which I hope not.

Be careful with Social Media

Social media has now become a very widespread platform of ideas, be it good or bad. Its accessibility and availability has become less hard to understand by anyone. No wonder a wider audience to do a cyber bullying is now a new trend that is adding a greater shame and pressure leading to depression.

I do not understand really much why some people love to play with perverseness, foolishness, vulgarity, death etc. in the internet, that I would like to research more.
I do not also understand why parents let their children manipulate with gadgets all day long instead of  talking, playing and be with them guiding in a moment where they start to be curious on things around them. This is one of the reasons of altered developmental milestones of a child, I learned from my Pediatrics and Psychiatry classes.
We have different thoughts of this part but watch out and just be careful with Social Media and internet as a whole.

Suicide is Preventable

In any other type of disease, they say Prevention is better than Cure, that I think is true. It take just a moment to ask a person "how are you doing?", which is very therapeutic when someone is getting troubled. Show some humane concern also for others – which I'm also learning.

Have a Good Coping Mechanism

Being with your family and friends is important when you are in a distressful situation, not everyone around you is willing to help but your family and friends will be there.
Having a hobby or recreational activity like games and music can also be helpful. Alcohol intoxication, smoking etc. can give long term side effects on health, that I think not the best option for you.

Travelling, one of my favorite coping mechanisms has been very helpful to me. Not necessarily travelling abroad but visiting different places like different coffee shops, food places and beaches are my go-to travels for now hehehhehe.

Visit a Professional

As a medical student, I want to advice everyone that if someone cannot handle a mental situation seek for professionals. Because they've been there ready to guide you and help you, for what is long years of studying if they cannot help you.

Seek God First

Seeking God first, and be with your church, which strengthens you and your spirituality. Speaking to God and casting burdens upon Him. #PAWEERR

10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
                                                                                                                             Isiah 4i:10 KJV

I would love to hear and read some of your thoughts about suicide as well, usap tayo minsan :)

-lesterrific [02/13/19]

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