Amidst my very hectic schedule of my senior year (anyways I'm done with my proposal :D), I think this is the right time I can share to you my Baguio Experiences.
An Opportunity
Last summer I was in Baguio, a city known as "the city of lights" and it was actually my first time going there. I've been there not because for a vacation, but for my six weeks summer OJT under my scholarship grant. There was a mixture of emotions running into my mind because it is also my first time that I'll gonna be living in a city where I have no idea with. Back home, I'm just a normal student, who loves to travel in a more than 30 kilometers in three rides just to go to school though sometime it is hellish. My parents would not want me to be in a dormitory because I don't know??? neither do I, but there was no problem at all anyways.
But things like this happens, so we, together with my co-scholars ( Mitch, Dang, Angie, Jessa) in my school went to Baguio . Then later I met Claire ( a fellow bio student from another university and also my co-scholar). It was never easy for us then, but having been this desire to learn a new experience and the words of our families has been our strength.
At First Glance
Travelling to Baguio was not a good experience for me at first, it was so tiring but at the same time I am so much excited. The winding roads along the mountainous areas of Cordillera was so fascinating. The rich and diverse tree forests and ferns along the roads was so captivating as well, the scenic valleys and seas revealed a very beautiful Instagram-photo material. Though the expected change of my hearing is making me uncomfortable, I could not bear my enthusiasm to see what truly Baguio is, I started to take some photos of landscapes and had some selfies but I am more than concerned with my Google Map app hahaha I don't wanna lost the track.
Upon entering, at first, I felt I was in a village somewhere in India. Houses are everywhere in various styles, colors and designs and I thought it is crazy but one thing for sure they are all similar with, they are standing upright amidst different elevations hehe. But one thing you need to see and experience in Baguio is when darkness comes and you'll see the beauty of lights. It is so amazing that it is likened to a universe full constellations of stars.
People are busy in Baguio, it is contrary to our expectations that night could be more calm. You can always see people walking along sidewalks, busy with the very popular night market hours, Cafés and Restaurants and street foods are everywhere. I really appreciate taxis in Baguio but it was a bit difficult to get one.
Food has never been my problem because I'm not into it, but trust me I am too meticulous when it comes to taste, I know when you put too much condiments, too less or nothing. But other than that food has never been our major concern, budgeting was.
Baguio has almost the same culture as to Ilocos, we have almost the same similarities, we have with them their language, beliefs but sometimes we vary on food. Because of the diverse fruits or vegetables, the way how it was cooked and prepared no wonder they taste new to me they are also as palatable as I thought. TASTEEEEE.
I cannot forget the first day of our OJT with this free food lelz , It was so healthy-looking that is why I took a picture of it :) But for real, the fish was too cholesterolic, the vegetable was too crunchy to be true, rice to rough but tasteeee chicken afritada. Bammm
Yes ! This is me taking a picture under the awesome pine trees, It was kinda sunny on my background but trust me, it is lesser hot than Ilocos.
Oranges are among my faves then, include fresh apples and strawberries that I stole from the farm we worked on hahaha jks. lelz
But one thing more , I cannot forget our experimental fried okra and ampalaya, which was quite delish but not in the long run. I also hated washing the dishes more than anything, that's a revelation I want to tell hahaha , but it wasn't actually a bad experience, that's why we eat mostly outside. I miss McDonalds in Legarda road tho.
The Experience
We worked at Bureau of Plant Industry in Baguio (BPI), for six weeks. Different laboratories different people and different environment. One thing in common is that we get tired and bored sometimes hahaha so we take pictures a lot.
Oh diba ang saya saya !!! hahahahahah
Then I went back home for a wedding in Ilocos, hahahahahahaha absent na thiss
But I went back naman after the Election day hahahahahaha.
<3 <3 <3
Another story again, while we were busy buying food at the grocery store, I stumbbled a cute kitten at the corner and had a selfie lelz, I cannot contain my love for them hahahahahaha but seriously my cat died the morning I am getting ready to go to baguio, it was heart breaking. </3
Our baguio life continued, we had a very exhausting walk at the park, I cannot forget circling the burnham park 17 times hoooo POWER !!
Again, pictures in the laboratory. !!!!
Nagboringen :(
Miss ELISA buffer solution 2016 !!
Trichoderma cookie
Once in a while we question ourselves when we are down, why we enrolled in biology??, we believe that we have a purpose, and that we need to figure it out later:) cheer up
The last laboratory :) which means we are almost done with our OJT. I will never forget the debatable green or brown string beans here !!
Would you be surprised when rice in Baguio are potted? Amazing !
Those times our bosses were at work and we're not done eating lels jks
I will never forget the spaghetting natipid ang sauce hahahaha
And Don't Forget the HOLIDAYS (halidi ngay)
Those late night dinners that we had, I miss them, tho food are not real sometimes.
Those people who we get along with. Kumusta na kaya ung dalawa ?? Hi ate Apple ;)
Those times we need to line up on OPD-BGH for hours because mitz is too paranoid of having infected with pneumonia because of symptoms he get from google hahahahahah. But I would do the same too if it happens.
Those Zero visibility I've been with, I miss chasing them hahahah.
And to those people who we met and shared and exchanged knowledge and experiences, people who have taught us the reality of research and secular world. I, We, owe them a lot.
And to those people (Mng Bernie, Mng Ole, Mng Michael, Mng JP, Mng Jeffrey and Kuya Ced) who gave us so much kind, respect and inspiration to strive more to life and in our studies, We thank you. It was really awesome that we met as students and ordinary people now you are all Engineers POWER ah !! See you the soonest !
And to all my ka OJT Buddies : Thank you !!
we didn't have decent photo lelz
we didn't have decent photo lelz
- lesterrific